
Showing posts from 2018

Milestone Projects

Surface Design Study Reverse Engineered Object Outsourced Ring 3D Printed Chess Set

Glow in the Dark Chess Set Puzzle

CONCEPT SKETCHES For the last few weeks, we've been working on designing a chess set to be 3d printed at school. Since I've been on a puzzle kick lately, I knew right away that I wanted all my chess pieces to fit together like a puzzle. I thought the best way to start would be with a grid. From there I just began sketching different shapes that would fit together and also show the hierarchy of the difference chess pieces. This process took a long time. I finally found a very minimalist design that would work perfectly and that would be simple enough the print with support material PEER FEEDBACK My peers felt that also the concept was super cool, the pieces themselves were not that complicated to build, and therefor weren't quite as impressive as my precious designs. However, after further discussion, it was decided that the concept and the beautiful simplistic design trumped the need for a complex design. I still took this into consideration, and altered my d

The Puzzling Design of Rings

For the last few weeks we've been working on designing concepts for 3D printed rings! CONCEPT SKETCHES: Once I completed my sketches, I decided I really wanted to do something that involved puzzles. I really wanted to explore the "Rubik's Cube" design, however I knew it would take me a really long time to figure out. My classmates suggested I stick to something more realistic. The "Mix and Match" design was popular, as well as the "Bow". My classmates felt the "Linked Ring" and the "Never Ending Maze" would be to difficult and time consuming to execute but they don't know me ;) I of course have to accept the challenge and at least give them a try. They were after all my two favourites. PROOFSHEET: My classmates advised me to ensure my wall thickness adhered to Shapeways standards as there are many small pieces, especially with Design 2. I had envisioned printing all designs in metal, however my classmates