Glow in the Dark Chess Set Puzzle


For the last few weeks, we've been working on designing a chess set to be 3d printed at school.

Since I've been on a puzzle kick lately, I knew right away that I wanted all my chess pieces to fit together like a puzzle.
I thought the best way to start would be with a grid. From there I just began sketching different shapes that would fit together and also show the hierarchy of the difference chess pieces. This process took a long time. I finally found a very minimalist design that would work perfectly and that would be simple enough the print with support material

My peers felt that also the concept was super cool, the pieces themselves were not that complicated to build, and therefor weren't quite as impressive as my precious designs. However, after further discussion, it was decided that the concept and the beautiful simplistic design trumped the need for a complex design. I still took this into consideration, and altered my design so that I could incorporate another material.
I began by drawing out each pieces, as the set would fit together as one. I then offset each piece to the inside to create their thickness. From there I extruded the piece to give them their height. From there I added little 2 little rods on each piece that I would eventually string a bead across and tie to each. 

It is obvious that creating the models was not the part that took the most effort. Most of the design was figured out and set in stone during the initial concept phase.

After clearing up some issues with exporting my files, the rest of the printing process went super well! Everything printed perfectly. Once complete, I strung my beads across and finished my set. Using glow in the dark filament was an excellent choice and worked nicely with the beads. I would love to print the entire set so that I can show how they fit into a perfect rectangle.


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