
Showing posts from February, 2019

Bringing Furniture to Life

I have now begun creating the definition for my parametric shelf design. So far I have been able to create the following definitions. The circles shown are all at different radii and randomly placed around a centre point.  From here I can extrude and cap the shelves to give them thickness. I can also use this part of the definition to create the poles that will eventually connect the shelves. I lowered the "number of shelves" (in this case poles) as well as the domain for the radii. What I am now trying to figure out is how to randomly place my shelves along the Z-axis before I extrude them. From there, I will then have to find a way to connect the pole definition with the shelf definition. Perhaps I can move each cluster of poles to each shelf, while giving them each a random seed for their length and placement through shelf, as well as the number of poles.

Parametric (WEIRD) Furniture Concepts

For this week's post, we were asked to draft some concepts for a furniture design using definitions in Grasshopper. See my concept below Most of the ideas I came up with were shelves. I decided to move forward with a shelf idea that I felt could be manipulated the most drastically. I'm hoping that with this design I could manipulates the following attributes, while still creating a somewhat function shelf design: - shelf size and thickness - location of shelf planks (x,y,z) - placement of poles - poles thickness and length

Parametric Patterns

For this assignment we were asked to create a definition in Grasshopper for a 2D parametric design, and generate 3 patterns from it. We will then create physical drawings using the drawing plotter. I started off be drawing a curve in Rhino and then arrayed circles along it. I then added a range to randomize the radii. I copied this definition but flipped the curve in Rhino. I tried using the Flip parameter in GH but couldn't get it to work properly. I decided not to randomize the radii for theses circles. I added in the definition to create outlines of multiple shapes. I Polar arrayed both sets of circles and offset them as well. I had initially tried connecting the outlines definition to the offset curves but that kept failing. Once I put it between the circles and their offsets, the definition worked. However, depending on what number the radii are set to, there will be warnings. Below are the 3 patterns I created: I'm still not feeling confident i...