Bringing Furniture to Life

I have now begun creating the definition for my parametric shelf design.

So far I have been able to create the following definitions. The circles shown are all at different radii and randomly placed around a centre point. 

From here I can extrude and cap the shelves to give them thickness. I can also use this part of the definition to create the poles that will eventually connect the shelves. I lowered the "number of shelves" (in this case poles) as well as the domain for the radii.

What I am now trying to figure out is how to randomly place my shelves along the Z-axis before I extrude them.

From there, I will then have to find a way to connect the pole definition with the shelf definition. Perhaps I can move each cluster of poles to each shelf, while giving them each a random seed for their length and placement through shelf, as well as the number of poles.


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