Building the Parametric Shelf

It's finally time to bring this shelf to life!

The bases are each in one solid piece and will be laser cut out of MDF. The planks will also be laser cut out of MDF. The poles will be 3D printed. The sections where the poles attach will be created by "etching" them with the laser cutter. We will have to do one side, then flip the board over and line it up to do the other. I think this is the best way to ensure sizes are accurate, especially since there are so many.

Here are the final 3 iterations of this design:

Here are some photos of the pieces being made:

First the poles were printed.

Here are the planks being made. We started by etching the indents on one side, then flipping the board over, etching the indents on the other side, then finally cut the pieces out.

There were some issues with this method. The main one being the accuracy of the depth of the etched indents. Some indents were too deep, affecting the integrity of the MDF. Going forward, instead of flipping the board, both sides were cut out completely (to be glued together later).

Below are the pieces to be cut:

Once I have all my pieces I can finally start to build! Stay tuned for the next post


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